[ Invitation From the ACT Government’s Suburban Land Agency ]

An Invitation | Expression of Interest
Community Panel for Ngunnawal’s Gold Creek Homestead Precinct

• Do you live near to the Gold Creek Homestead?
• Want to have a say in the future of the site?

*map is indicative only

Gold Creek Homestead is bounded by Monty Place and Gungahlin Drive. A diverse panel of approximately 20 participants is sought to represent local residents and organisations, in particular those in proximity to the site and with an interest in the Gold Creek Homestead to inform the non-financial site objectives and development principles in preparation for the sale of land in the first half of 2020.

Community Panel members will work collaboratively in a workshop setting with an independent engagement expert, Suburban Land Agency and specialist consultants.

What’s involved?

Community Panel members will need to be available for four workshops (likely Saturday mornings) between 19 October and 30 November 2019. Each workshop will be approximately 5 hours. In addition, there is expected to be pre-reading of materials.

Community Panel members will be renumerated a nominal fee for their time participating in the workshops.

To express your interest in being involved, please email suburbanland@act.gov.au with Gold Creek EOI Community Panel in the subject line or call 02 6205 0600 by COB 1 October 2019 (5.00pm) & tell us why you are interested in getting involved.

Original Invitation PDF Letter from Suburban Land Agency.

  1. I would have submitted my name to participate on this panel except that expressions of interest closed on the 1st October.
    I am a resident at the Grove retirement Village.
    I am a member of the ACT National Trust.
    I am a member of the Canberra and District Historical Society.
    I am an ex science teacher and retired secondary school principal. I have an interest in the educational value of the site as well as its future re-development.
    If there are vacancies on the panel I would be interested.

    • Hi James – the panel is being put together by the ACT government (the SLA), not the GCC. Did you contact them at suburbanland@act.gov.au ? If you are unable to be included on the panel, I would be very happy to speak with you to represent your position, as I am the GCC representative on the panel.

  2. Good afternoon,
    I have also just been made aware of the above meeting and panel.
    I am a direct descendant of Anthony and Edmund Rolfe.
    Edmund’s son, James was my grandfather.
    I believe, I have a high stake in the future of the Gold Creek Homestead.
    There are a lot of direct descendants of Edmund Rolfe, who are unaware of what is happening with the homestead.
    My family and I would appreciate it if we could be included in the process of the Gold Creek Homestead’s future.

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